About Me

The Artist Sultana (/ suhl·ta·nuh/).
Born in Bangladesh, raised in New York. I speak 4 languages. I studied Graphic Design and Textiles & Apparel. I've worked in design for 9 years. I'm a very curious person and I ask a lot of questions and I im learning that I enjoy difficult conversations. I would happily walk miles for no good reason and I LOVE animals.
Salty's Creations originally started as a means to pull myself out of depression after my pup passed away in 2020 and now it is my passion project and I’m on a mission to spread as much joy and help as many animals has possibly can with my art.
Why Salty?
In 4th grade a mean ill-intentioned bully called me "Salty" because she couldn't pronounce my actual name and I liked how it sounded so I owned that sh*t! Now, only my nearest and dearest call me "Salty", my husband calls me "Salt".
Welcome to Salty's Creations. Thank you for being here.